Frequently Asked Questions
I have been using ordinary cleaners for 20 years. The toxic fumes gave me such headaches, sore throat, burning eyes, sinus discharge and constant fatigue that I could not be a good mother for my children or wife for my husband. I switched to your solution and it changed my life. Thank you, Dr. Tidwell.
Before I discovered WOW! I had to clear all employees from my kitchen for cleaning my pizza oven. With WOW!,
I do it in minutes with no interruption for my employees.
WOW! is the greatest gift any restaurant owner could wish for. I will never again operate without it.
Bebe, an 85-year-old widow says: Thank you for WOW! It works better, is gentler, and leaves my hands softer and younger looking than all those other soaps like Dove. I am considering using it on my whole body!